\[DAR = \frac{Total \: Liabilities}{Total \: Assets}\]
Notes: Variables should be equivalent for 990 and EZ filers in the IRS data.
Total liabilities, EOY
Denominator: Total assets, EOY
# can't divide by zero
<- core$totassetsend == 0
zero.these $totassetsend[ core$totassetsend == 0 ] <- NA
$dar <- core$totliabend / core$totassetsend core
Check high and low values to see what makes sense.
A ratio below 0 is odd because it means assets are negative and liabilities are positive.
A ratio above 1 might be realistic, but not more meaningful than knowing the ratio is at least one, which means the org has liabilities that as as large or larger than assets. Practically, a ratio of 1 or 2 probably mean the same thing for an organization (they are in trouble).
ggplot( core, aes(x = dar )) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
xlim( -1, 2 )
$dar[ core$dar < 0 ] <- 0
core$dar[ core$dar > 1 ] <- 1 core
Score describes whether the metric applies to all 990 filers, or only the full 990 filers (if the variable is not included on the 990-EZ form).
Tax data is available for both full 990 and 990-EZ filers, so this metric describes all orgs.
Scope codes:
Put Debt to Asset Ratio on a scale of -10,000 to +20,000.
Convert everything else to thousands of dollars.
# rescale DAR where 1 = 10,000
core mutate( dar = dar * 10000,
totrevenue = totrevenue / 1000,
totfuncexpns = totfuncexpns / 1000,
lndbldgsequipend = lndbldgsequipend / 1000,
totassetsend = totassetsend / 1000,
totliabend = totliabend / 1000,
totnetassetend = totnetassetend / 1000 ) %>%
select( STATE, AGE, NTEE1, NTMAJ12,
dar, totrevenue, totfuncexpns, lndbldgsequipend, %>%
totassetsend, totliabend, totnetassetend )
stargazer( type = s.type,
summary.stat = c("min","p25","median",
"mean","p75","max", "sd") )
Statistic | Min | Pctl(25) | Median | Mean | Pctl(75) | Max | St. Dev. |
AGE | 3 | 22 | 30 | 32 | 41 | 95 | 15 |
dar | 0 | 996 | 3,466 | 4,226 | 7,188 | 10,000 | 3,518 |
totrevenue | -5,377 | 259 | 909 | 4,522 | 3,672 | 408,932 | 14,286 |
totfuncexpns | 0 | 263 | 840 | 4,192 | 3,328 | 382,667 | 13,466 |
lndbldgsequipend | -4 | 79 | 824 | 3,504 | 2,868 | 513,509 | 13,210 |
totassetsend | -7,552 | 788 | 2,459 | 9,292 | 7,492 | 672,021 | 27,078 |
totliabend | -2,707 | 115 | 816 | 4,709 | 3,133 | 705,623 | 18,722 |
totnetassetend | -178,870 | 156 | 1,094 | 4,553 | 4,079 | 531,068 | 15,470 |
What proportion of orgs have a DAR of zero (no outstanding liabilities)?
<- mean( core$dar == 0, na.rm=T ) prop.zero
In the sample, 5 percent of the organizations have a DAR of zero, meaning they carried no debt. These organizations are dropped from subsequent graphs to keep the visualizations clean. The interpretation of the graphics should be the distributions of Debt to Asset Ratio for organizations that carry debt.
Filter out cases with DAR=0 because they dominate the graphics otherwise.
# drop cases where DAR=0
<- core
core2 $dar[ core2$dar == 0 ] <- NA core2
Create quantile groups:
### function create_quantiles() defined in r-functions.R
$exp.q <- create_quantiles( var=core2$totfuncexpns, n.groups=5 )
core2$rev.q <- create_quantiles( var=core2$totrevenue, n.groups=5 )
core2$asset.q <- create_quantiles( var=core2$totnetassetend, n.groups=5 )
core2$age.q <- create_quantiles( var=core2$AGE, n.groups=5 )
core2$land.q <- create_quantiles( var=core2$lndbldgsequipend, n.groups=5 ) core2
ggplot( core2, aes(x = dar )) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="darkorange" ) +
xlim( -0.1, 1 ) +
xlab( variable.label ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
<- core2 %>% filter( ! is.na(NTEE1) )
core3 table( core3$NTEE1) %>% sort(decreasing=TRUE) %>% kable()
Var1 | Freq |
Housing | 2837 |
Community Development | 1585 |
Human Services | 1102 |
<- table( factor(core3$NTEE1) )
t <- data.frame( x=Inf, y=Inf,
df N=paste0( "N=", as.character(t) ),
NTEE1=names(t) )
ggplot( core3, aes( x=dar ) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
xlim( -0.1, 1 ) +
labs( title="Nonprofit Subsectors" ) +
xlab( variable.label ) +
facet_wrap( ~ NTEE1, nrow=1 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 15 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
strip.text = element_text( face="bold") ) + # size=20
geom_text( data=df,
aes(x, y, label=N ),
hjust=2, vjust=3,
color="gray60", size=6 )
table( core$Region) %>% kable()
Var1 | Freq |
Midwest | 1444 |
Northeast | 1368 |
South | 1610 |
West | 1088 |
<- table( factor(core3$Region) )
t <- data.frame( x=Inf, y=Inf,
df N=paste0( "N=", as.character(t) ),
Region=names(t) )
core2 filter( ! is.na(Region) ) %>%
ggplot( aes(dar) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
xlab( "Census Regions" ) +
ylab( variable.label ) +
facet_wrap( ~ Region, nrow=3 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 22 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() ) +
geom_text( data=df,
aes(x, y, label=N ),
hjust=2, vjust=3,
color="gray60", size=6 )
table( core$Division ) %>% kable()
Var1 | Freq |
East North Central | 1038 |
East South Central | 289 |
Middle Atlantic | 904 |
Mountain | 303 |
New England | 464 |
Pacific | 785 |
South Atlantic | 900 |
West North Central | 406 |
West South Central | 421 |
<- table( factor(core3$Division) )
t <- data.frame( x=Inf, y=Inf,
df N=paste0( "N=", as.character(t) ),
Division=names(t) )
core2 filter( ! is.na(Division) ) %>%
ggplot( aes(dar) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
xlab( "Census Sub-Regions (10)" ) +
ylab( variable.label ) +
facet_wrap( ~ Division, nrow=3 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 22 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() ) +
geom_text( data=df,
aes(x, y, label=N ),
hjust=2, vjust=3,
color="gray60", size=6 )
ggplot( core2, aes(x = totfuncexpns )) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="darkorange" ) +
xlim( quantile(core2$totfuncexpns, c(0.02,0.98), na.rm=T ) )
$totfuncexpns[ core2$totfuncexpns < 1 ] <- 1
core2# core2$totfuncexpns[ is.na(core2$totfuncexpns) ] <- 1
if( nrow(core2) > 10000 )
{<- sample_n( core2, 10000 )
core3 else
{<- core2
jplot( log10(core3$totfuncexpns), core3$dar,
xlab="Nonprofit Size (logged Expenses)",
xaxt="n", xlim=c(3,10) )
axis( side=1,
labels=c("1k","10k","100k","1m","10m","100m","1b","10b") )
core2 filter( ! is.na(exp.q) ) %>%
ggplot( aes(dar) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
labs( title="Nonprofit Size (logged expenses)" ) +
xlab( variable.label ) +
facet_wrap( ~ exp.q, nrow=3 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 22 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
ggplot( core2, aes(x = totrevenue )) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="darkorange" ) +
xlim( quantile(core2$totrevenue, c(0.02,0.98), na.rm=T ) ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
$totrevenue[ core2$totrevenue < 1 ] <- 1
if( nrow(core2) > 10000 )
{<- sample_n( core2, 10000 )
core3 else
{<- core2
jplot( log10(core3$totrevenue), core3$dar,
xlab="Nonprofit Size (logged Revenue)",
xaxt="n", xlim=c(3,10) )
axis( side=1,
labels=c("1k","10k","100k","1m","10m","100m","1b","10b") )
core2 filter( ! is.na(rev.q) ) %>%
ggplot( aes(dar) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
labs( title="Nonprofit Size (logged revenues)" ) +
xlab( variable.label ) +
facet_wrap( ~ rev.q, nrow=3 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 22 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
ggplot( core2, aes(x = totnetassetend )) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="darkorange" ) +
xlim( quantile(core2$totnetassetend, c(0.02,0.98), na.rm=T ) ) +
xlab( "Net Assets" ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
$totnetassetend[ core2$totnetassetend < 1 ] <- NA
if( nrow(core2) > 10000 )
{<- sample_n( core2, 10000 )
core3 else
{<- core2
jplot( log10(core3$totnetassetend), core3$dar,
xlab="Nonprofit Size (logged Net Assets)",
xaxt="n", xlim=c(3,10) )
axis( side=1,
labels=c("1k","10k","100k","1m","10m","100m","1b","10b") )
$totnetassetend[ core2$totnetassetend < 1 ] <- NA
core2$asset.q <- create_quantiles( var=core2$totnetassetend, n.groups=5 )
core2 filter( ! is.na(asset.q) ) %>%
ggplot( aes(dar) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
labs( title="Nonprofit Size (logged net assets, if assets > 0)" ) +
xlab( variable.label ) +
ylab( "" ) +
facet_wrap( ~ asset.q, nrow=3 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 22 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
Total Assets for Comparison
$totassetsend[ core2$totassetsend < 1 ] <- NA
core2$tot.asset.q <- create_quantiles( var=core2$totassetsend, n.groups=5 )
if( nrow(core2) > 10000 )
{<- sample_n( core2, 10000 )
core3 else
{<- core2
jplot( log10(core3$totassetsend), core3$dar,
xlab="Nonprofit Size (logged Total Assets)",
xaxt="n", xlim=c(3,10) )
axis( side=1,
labels=c("1k","10k","100k","1m","10m","100m","1b","10b") )
ggplot( core2, aes(x = totassetsend )) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="darkorange" ) +
xlim( quantile(core2$totassetsend, c(0.02,0.98), na.rm=T ) ) +
xlab( "Net Assets" ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
core2 filter( ! is.na(tot.asset.q) ) %>%
ggplot( aes(dar) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
xlab( "Nonprofit Size (logged total assets, if assets > 0)" ) +
ylab( variable.label ) +
facet_wrap( ~ tot.asset.q, nrow=3 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 22 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
ggplot( core2, aes(x = AGE )) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="darkorange" )
$AGE[ core2$AGE < 1 ] <- NA
if( nrow(core2) > 10000 )
{<- sample_n( core2, 10000 )
core3 else
{<- core2
jplot( core3$AGE, core3$dar,
xlab="Nonprofit Age",
ylab=variable.label )
core2 filter( ! is.na(age.q) ) %>%
ggplot( aes(dar) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5, fill="blue" ) +
labs( title="Nonprofit Age" ) +
xlab( variable.label ) +
ylab( "" ) +
facet_wrap( ~ age.q, nrow=3 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 22 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
ggplot( core2, aes(x = lndbldgsequipend )) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5 )
$lndbldgsequipend[ core2$lndbldgsequipend < 1 ] <- NA
core2if( nrow(core2) > 10000 )
{<- sample_n( core2, 10000 )
core3 else
{<- core2
jplot( log10(core3$lndbldgsequipend), core3$dar,
xlab="Land and Building Value (logged)",
xaxt="n", xlim=c(3,10) )
axis( side=1,
labels=c("1k","10k","100k","1m","10m","100m","1b","10b") )
core2 filter( ! is.na(land.q) ) %>%
ggplot( aes(dar) ) +
geom_density( alpha = 0.5 ) +
labs( title="Land and Building Value" ) +
xlab( variable.label ) +
ylab( "" ) +
facet_wrap( ~ land.q, nrow=3 ) +
theme_minimal( base_size = 22 ) +
theme( axis.title.y=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y=element_blank() )
<- select( core, ein, tax_pd, dar )
core.dar saveRDS( core.dar, "03-data-ratios/m-01-dept-to-asset-ratio.rds" )
write.csv( core.dar, "03-data-ratios/m-01-dept-to-asset-ratio.csv" )